
Gangster Road Wagon - Vintage Camper Showcase #18

As we prepare for the release this summer of "Public Enemies" - a Wisconsin/Illinois-based Johnny Depp film that promises to be one of the coolest ever movies about gangsters - I present his Gangster-era camper and tow car set-up.
Tell me you can't see ol' John Dillinger behind the wheel of this sweet pre-war V-8 sedan, towing a swank Circa-1936 "Tin Can" dream, hiding out in plain sight!
Yes, the echoing "pocketa-pocketa" of the stubby Tommy guns, and the sweet drifting odor of stolen Depression-era bank cash is too sweet to forget.
Hmm, I think it would go kind of like this....
(Cue the slamming door of the bank, a quick "pocketa" of the Tommy's, fired into the ceiling for effect.)
"Awright, everybody FREEZE! Down on the floor, and keep yer hands where I can see 'em, ya hear?!"
"I got it from here, Lefty. Awright, you, yeah, you, Bub. Get over here and open the vault, see, and nobody gets hurt, see? How about you, pretty lady? Any other cash? Yer not holding out on me, is ya, sistah? I hopes not, cuz yer one swell-lookin dame! C'mon, pops, hurry up! I ain't got all day, here! Whoa, wait! Look, Farmer Brown, I don't want your money, no, see, you keep it. I just want the bank's dough, ya see? You earned your cash. Mr Bank President here thinks he's better deserving of your money than you are, see? We're leaving your pockets alone, feller. There we go, now we're cookin with gas, see? Thanks, sistah! Hey Lefty, tell me this dame ain't the real deal! She's a keeper. hey, dolly, you got a sistah at home for Lefty? See they call him 'Lefty' cuz all the dames left him for me, get it? hahaha! Folks, you go home and tell all your neighbors that you just got robbed by the toughest, fairest gang in the whole Midwest, and lived to tell about it. Heck, tell 'em he GAVE you some of the money! Go ahead, Lefty, give 'em all a Jackson so they can buy some viddles for next week. haha, now, Mr. Senior VP Bank President, I want you to go over there and change your pants, cuz I think you just wet yourself, see?!"
"Now I want yous all to put yer heads down, and count to 47 real slow, ya hear?! We'll be leaving you now, and I want to thank you for your time and patience. And My name's 'Lefty' cu I'm a southpaw!"
(One last "pocketa" as they leave in a blaze of burning rubber, with a few wild bills thrown out the windows for effect so the people will get in the way of the coppers.)

They probably left the camper at the Hideout, and used it as their HQ, don't ya think?

"Hey, Lefty, this here table is great for counting all our dough! Hey Dolly, grab me a beer, would ya? I think we's need to get to know each other a little bettah...""

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious! I want to know more about the movie, and what type of camper this is.